I know it has been forever since I last posted, and I'm so so sorry. Things have been going really well. We had a lot of fun over the holidays. We spent Thanksgiving in Nevada City with my family and Christmas in Idaho Falls with Ryan's family. It was so fun to see everyone and to be able to spend time with them all. Dainen has had a lot of fun getting to know his cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. And they all love him (who wouldn't, let's be honest).
Dainen is now 11 months old and he is walking. He took his first steps at 10 months and has spent the last month perfecting the art. He is still wobbly, but he's more confident. It is still shocking to see him walk, though, because he is so little. For those of you who haven't heard, he is in the 0% for his weight. When we took him in for his 9 month check-up, they were concerned about his weight so they told us to bring him back for a weight check in a month. So we did and he had only gained 5 oz. that whole month, bringing him up to a whopping 15 lbs. 12 oz. He's just so little. But one of the first things people say when they hold him is how solid he is. He's a strong little guy. And he's so smart. He understands what NO means, but he likes to test his limits, see how serious we are. He knows when he is in trouble, and he speed crawls to try to get away. Sometimes I can't help but laugh, even though I'm supposed to be serious so he knows I'm not playing. Kids are so fun. :) I love being a mom. I love watching him learn and experience things. I love it when he hits those milestones, or even when he just does something that he's never done before. He has started making this cheesy smile face when he thinks he's being funny, or when he thinks we're talking about him. It is the cutest thing! And he does this fake laugh with it. And it's great because it's one of the only times you can see his one little tooth. It finally came in last week, the only tooth he has. So stinkin' cute! I haven't been able to get a picture of it, but when I do, I'll post it.
So, last Thursday, I went to vacuum and Dainen was just walking around the living room. As soon as I turned on the vacuum, he froze. He didn't like it and he thought it was going to get him. So I turned it off and grabbed the camera, and this is what I got. At one point, he had the vacuum on one side of him and the door stop on the other, and he just didn't know what to do. (He really doesn't like door stops. The noise they make scares him.) Poor kid! But So cute!
DIY Valentine’s Earrings
2 weeks ago