Things are still going well. Ryan has finished his MPH classes for the summer and has started his DO classes. He is LOVING it! He came home one day the first week and said, "I got to cut through a human sternum with a bone-saw!" He wanted to tell me all about it, but I had to stop him from going into too much detail. Needless to say, they have started working with cadavers and he is really enjoying it. He has also been practicing his OMM (Osteopathic Manual Manipulation) on me a little bit, which is fun. He gets excited when he can find everything and move it the way he's supposed to. He stays pretty busy though, and we try to enjoy what time we do have together as a family.
Last week, Ryan had his White Coat Ceremony. This is where they are given their first white coat that doctors wear and they say the Osteopathic oath. It was really cool and exciting to see him become a "student doctor" and get his coat and everything. :) We are so proud of him and all of his hard work!
In other news....I am now 17 weeks along and feeling pretty good. :) I feel a lot better than I did in the beginning, that's for sure, but I'm still tired. I guess that's not surprising though when you're pregnant and have a two year old to keep up with. We are looking forward to the day we find out the gender of the baby, and we WILL be finding out. I am not the kind of person who can be surprised. Maybe if/when I have a boy and a girl then I can be surprised, but until then I need to know so I can plan. At 7 weeks, we had an ultrasound done. I was in the hospital for the second time with hyperemesis, severe morning sickness that causes dehydration and can endanger the baby. So the doctors just wanted to check and make sure everything was alright, which it was. I am taking medication now so I feel pretty good. I have heard the heartbeat several times now and the NP always tells me it is a good, strong heartbeat so we have nothing to worry about.
Dainen continues to be as active as ever and he keeps me on my toes. He is talking all the time and says the funniest things. Recently, he has wanted me to call him "Mister Dainen" and he calls me "Mister Mommy". I try to correct him, but he just laughs. When we stop at red lights in the car, he will ask in his sweetest voice, "Turn green, please!" and when it finally does he says, "I did it!" He still says Peace out Homey, Boom Sucka, and Boom Baby. He has added to it Rock on Dude. Thanks to Uncle Brad, he mostly says this after he toots, after saying excuse me of course. It is pretty funny, I have to admit. :)
Well, I guess that's it for now. I'll try to update again when I can. We love you all and hope you are doing well. :)