Being a Mom is hard work. And sometimes it is very thankless and I feel so under appreciated by my kids. But every once in awhile, there are these sweet moments that make it all totally worth it.
Some of those moments happened for me this past week:
1. Dainen started saying his prayers completely by himself, which is so sweet in and of itself, but the other night he said, "We're grateful for Alivia, that she's here in our home and not in Mommy's tummy."
2. When Dainen wakes up in the morning, he comes into my room where I'm rocking Alivia and before he acknowledges my existence, he climbs over to Alivia and says, "Hello my love!"
3. I was giving Alivia a bath and she was screaming and crying. Dainen came over, put his hand on her head and said, "It's ok, Alivia. I just love you."
(Are you noticing a theme?)
4. Dainen started calling Alivia "huggies" because he likes to give her lots of hugs.
I really do have the cutest kids ever!! And they love each other. What more could a mom ask for?
DIY Valentine’s Earrings
2 weeks ago